
How To Set Business Hours On Facebook Page

How to Update Hours of Operation on a Facebook Company Page on a Desktop and Mobile Device

Tabular array of Contents

  1. Updating a Business organization' Hours of Operation on Facebook Page (Desktop Figurer)
  2. How to Bring Back Hours of Operation on Facebook
  3. Updating a Business' Hours of Operation on Facebook Page (Mobile Phone)

This blog post was originally published on Jan five, 2022, but it has been updated a few times to show you the nigh accurate way to update a Facebook company page's hours of performance. You can now update a Facebook Company Page's hours of performance on a desktop computer and mobile device. I'll bear witness you how to update them on both.

Updating a Facebook Company Page'due south Hours of Operation on a Desktop Reckoner

I've marked where you demand to click to edit your Facebook page's concern hours.

To change a Facebook company page's hours of operation on a desktop computer:

  1. Click the Near tab that is on the leftmost sidebar menu below your Facebook visitor page'south cover image.
  2. Mouse over your company's business organisation hours and click the edit link.
  3. A modal window will pop upwardly. In there, you lot can edit your concern hours. If your business has ii sets of operating hours in a solar day, you tin click the "+" push button to add the second set of hours.
  4. To mark your business organization as closed on a item 24-hour interval, uncheck the box side by side to that day.
  5. When yous've fabricated all of your changes, don't forget to click the Relieve button.

Alternatively, you tin can likewise do it this way:

Edit a Facebook Page's Business Hours (Alternate Method)
  1. Click the Edit Page Info link on the elevation correct of your Facebook visitor page.
  2. Edit your business organization hours.
  3. Click the Save Changes button.

If you don't see a place to edit your visitor's hours of operation, and so y'all will need to select another main category. Facebook allows you to add up to three categories. One category that will allow you to add/edit your company's hours of operation is Local Business. Hours of functioning only show up for certain business categories, and so if you don't see any hours of performance, select a dissimilar outset category. I tin tell you that if you select Local Service as your showtime category, you will exist able to add your business' hours of operation.

Tin can You Update Holiday Hours on Your Facebook Folio?

At the moment, I don't meet any option on Facebook to do this. In that location is a workaround though, just it costs money. If you allow Yext have admission to your Facebook folio, then you can ready your business' holiday hours in their dashboard. Here's a screenshot of the vacation hours section in Yext's dashboard:

Edit Facebook holiday hours via Yext Dashboard

Yext can command up 70+ listings, so your business' holiday hours would be updated on all of those listings at one time. Hither's my post on whether Yext is worth the toll.

Selected "No Hours Available" and Can't Bring Them Dorsum?

Someone had asked me this in the comments below. I've never selected "No hours available", so I tried information technology, and sure enough, the choice to edit a Facebook visitor page's hours of operation disappeared.

Never fear! I apace found out that if yous scroll dorsum to the top of your Facebook company folio, you'll see a link that says "Edit Folio Info" a niggling below your visitor folio's cover photo. Click that link, and then click the Hours tab, and add your hours back in. Scout this video beneath if you didn't understand what I said.

Updating a Facebook Company Folio's Hours of Operation on a Mobile Device

To change a Facebook Company Page's hours of functioning on a mobile telephone, you volition need to:

1. Tap the Gear Icon on the top right of your screen.

2. Tap the Page Info link.

3. Tap Your Business Hours

4. Tap the Edit Hours button.

5. Edit your business hours and click the Done button.

If you don't see a place to edit your company's hours of functioning, and then you will demand to select some other main category.

If y'all have whatever questions, please feel gratuitous to annotate below. If you constitute this blog post useful, please share it.


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